Apple formally launches its third generation tablet - the New iPad, in India today. The New iPad comes with 7-inch Retina Display and supports higher image resolution. Packed with an improved dual-core Apple A5X microprocessor, the New iPad offers a better 5 megapixel iSight camera. The New iPad available at a price starting Rs 30,500 for 16 GB WiFi only model.
The New Apple iPad features same screen-size as the iPad 2 - 9.7-inch but with high-quality Retina display that supports 2048x1536 pixel resolution natively and has 326 pixels per inch density. Retina display is the best possible screen in the market as of now for the tablet and even better than the laptops.
The new iPad is slightly thicker (9.4mm) than the iPad 2 (8.8mm) and also slightly heavier (1.4 pounds) than the iPad 2 (1.35) pounds. Under slightly thicker profile, the New iPad houses a dual-core Apple A5X processor that is claimed to compete with the 4-Plus-1 Core architecture made NVIDIA Tegra 3 mobile processor. By default, the New iPad comes with iOS 5.0 software update.
The New Apple A5X mobile processor comes with quad-core graphics (PowerVR SGX543MP4) and it's the same one used in the Sony PS Vita portable game console. Clearly, the New iPad is capable of pulling off all modern day games to the level of graphics created for gaming consoles.
ts new iSight camera features a 5 megapixel image sensor designed by Apple and integrates hybrid IR filter along with 5 element lens. This 5 megapixel iSight camera is capable of recording 1080p HD video at 30 frames per second. There's a front facing VGA camera to perform the FaceTime video chat function. Apple has added new Dictation feature by putting a microphone icon on keyboard.
Other features of this New iPad tablet includes WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, Accelerometer, Ambient light sensor and Gyroscope sensor. Apple has also added slightly bigger 42.5-Watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery. By default, this tablet offers 10 hours of battery life on normal usage.
Currently, the Apple iPad 2 models are available starting Rs 24,500 for 16 GB WiFi model.
The New Apple iPad available in WiFi and WiFi+3G models. The WiFi, 16 GB model of the New iPad is priced at Rs 30,500, while 32 GB will cost Rs 36, 500 and Rs 42, 500 for 64 GB. Whereas price of the new iPad WiFi+3G models is Rs 38,500 for 16 GB, Rs 44,900 for 32 GB and Rs 50,900 for 64 GB models.
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